The type MTR pumps are centrifugal, multi-stage, horizontal, sectional, single-entry. They are designed for pumping water with temperatures up to 80°C and oil products.
The discharge flange is directed vertically upwards (perpendicular to the axis of rotation), while the suction flange is at 90° to the discharge flange.
The pumps are manufactured with a stuffing box or a mechanical seal.
The pumps were tested in compliance with EN ISO 9906:1999, for water with temperature of 20°C.
The indication of the pumps includes the following symbols:
Rated flow (l/s)
Multi-stage, with roller bearings, redesigned
Rated head per stage (MWC)
Number of stages
A, (B)
Undercut impeller version
Mechanical seal (if this indication is missing this means that the pump has a soft packing)
Construction materials
The material of the basic parts of the pump according to the different versions.